When she acts shy - Say I Love You.
When she runs from you - Chase her.
When she flirts with you - never turn her down or ignore her.
When she puts her face near yours - Kiss her.
When she kicks and punches you - Hold her tight.
When she is silent - She's thinking of how to say I love you.
When she ignores you - She wants all you attention.
When she pulls away - Grab her by the waist and never let go.
When you see her at her worst - Tell her she's Beautiful. W
hen she screams at you - Tell you love her; But you have to mean it.
When you see her walking - Sneak up behind her and grab her by the waist.
When she's scared - Hold her and tell her everything will be okay cause she's with you.
When she looks like something is the matter - Kiss her and tell her not to worry.
When she holds your hand - Play with her fingers.
When she says she's cold - Move closer
When she walks away and looks in the distance - Walk up beside her and talk to her.
When its just you and her in the room - Ask her to stay a little longer.

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